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Improve the Strategy for Managing Multi-Cloud Security Risk

Written by TailWind | Dec 17, 2018 6:00:41 AM

For the financial services sector, many organizations are moving to cloud-based services. And with the move to these solutions, multi-cloud security risks are a top concern. As the digital transformation continues to move rapidly ahead, what can your business do to protect against cyber attacks?

Among the reasons for shifting to cloud-based services, including public cloud and multi-cloud strategies, cost savings is high on the list. Banks, for example, can see savings of upwards of 40 percent by embracing the cloud. The question though, as you move to the cloud is, what are you doing to protect your data?

Identifying the Risks

Cyber criminals have taken note of the financial sector’s interest in the multi-cloud environment, and they’re ready to break into your data at the smallest opportunity. They know that with each new cloud-based application, every new infrastructure or service that’s added to a network is an opportunity for them to get into your system and steal your data.

To limit multi-cloud security risks, organizations need to gain more visibility into what’s going on within their networks. Rather than monitor each cloud on its own, more comprehensive tools are required to see across the entire range of networks and the cloud.

Threat analysis is also an important aspect of managing cloud security. This can be a rather complex detail in a multi-cloud environment because of the siloed elements that become part of a larger system. Most situations call for IT to monitor each cloud on its own due to the complex nature of the situation.

Improving Security

Cyber criminals have found a “sitting duck” in targeting applications hosted in the cloud. Without advanced threat protection and the right system controls, these applications are easy targets.

Endpoint security improvements have reduced multi-cloud security risks. Part of the improvement involves an increased level of visibility into the endpoints, gaining control of them in such a way that threats are diminished. Now that everyone is bringing their own devices to work and connecting to the network, endpoint security management is under tighter scrutiny.When you get connected with the right solutions, multi-cloud security threats are much less of a worry. At TailWind, we’ve assisted clients in the financial sector and in other industries with improving their infrastructure for cloud security. If multi-cloud security threats concern you, contact us today.